Archiving bodies|Metro Arts Residency|2019|Brisbane
The process of learning how do I position myself in a creative process with other collaborators in the room. I've been thinking a lot...

Budapest|iCoDaCo 2018|Hungary residency
Try to hide the beginning, try to hide the end. 來到布達佩斯的第七天,也是行程中的第二站。從攝氏一度,突然下起雪來的瑞典到匈牙利的布達佩斯-晴朗如初夏的十一月。從十一人的團隊離開,回到四位藝術家的創作,匈牙利作曲Balint的...

Sharing of Edinburgh Festival Fringe
學習在於對日常生活的觀察,和發問。缺乏經驗可以是個很好的理由去犯錯,但也是從中用力在錯誤跟無知中學習更多的機會。只要我們都能夠對於未知中勇敢學習,從最小的事物開始。 在十二場的演出當中找尋到更多屬於自己和作品的關係,也在兩星期的時間中問自己在經營怎樣的一個團隊,在走一條甚麼...

Workshop for The World Was Once Flat
In order to further investigate the possibility of the research that I've been working on for The World Was Once Flat, as well as sharing...

Folding Echoes at Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2018|Dance Base|Week 2
★★★★ “he performs much of this with irony, and, cleverly, we don’t always know which side of that line he has stepped over.“ --The Wee...

Folding Echoes at Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2018|Dance Base|Week 1
13-20/8/2018 Summer, Edinburgh, UK Back to UK for the first time after my study in London three years ago. Of course Edinburgh is not...

thoughts about freedom in dance
The question of what freedom is like in dancing, or our lives in general comes to me lately, quite a lot. How do we, as a performer,...