Precious and Anxious|iCoDaCo 2018|Wales residency
It was definitely a precious and anxious project for me, at least for the first week of residency in Wales with the collective. The way of working in a collective indeed challenged the usual practice of an individual with the attempt of not taking over the power in the process, while decisions had to be made constantly to keep it going.
For most of us, it was still at the stage of getting to know each other better, and deeper, in terms of their artistic practice, way of thinking, research direction, interests, communication strategy and living under the same roof together. By leading class, lots of improv tasks, chit chat, discussion, I got to know them bits by bits, and undoubtedly about myself too.
It's also like a reflection of what direction you want to go, how much you want to/can invest yourself into the process, how much space you could offer to the collective, how accepting and open-minded you can be to get challenged and keep on trying, how vulnerable you allow yourself to be, how brave you could be to step out of your comfort zone, how willing you are to be present.
There's so much that lingers in my mind, about transformation, about the form, about performance, about working as a collective. Nothing I could imagine before. I'm so glad to be part of it. It's going to be a very difficult project in many ways, but that makes it worthwhile.